
Vouchers for the MARC Resource Cores will be available to MARC members who need funding for experiments critical to gathering preliminary data for grant proposals. These vouchers will be awarded on an ongoing basis by the MARC Administrative Core, and will be offered in increments of $1,000, $2,500, and $5,000. To apply, follow the links on the right side of this webpage. The application will be reviewed by both the MARC Associate Director and the leadership of the Core whose service is covered by the voucher. The applicant will be notified by the MARC Coordinator when a decision has been made. Special priority will be given by the reviewers to new investigators (as defined by the NIH) and to those investigators who are applying for support as part of an interdisciplinary collaboration.

Applicants who are awarded vouchers will be asked for a brief progress report on the outcome of their voucher usage. If you have any questions regarding vouchers or the application process, please e-mail the MARC Coordinator at marcadmin@health.ucsd.edu.​


Please follow the link for the core that you wish to request a voucher from and fill out the form:

Joint Bioinformatics and Computational Core

Joint Cell Isolation Core

Joint Imaging Core