Stain dead cells and then fix them so that only the dead cells keep the 7-AAD
Only use if the other protocols fail. The samples are stored before staining, but it's more complicated.
General Antibody Staining Protocol
To stain cells with only PI to measure apoptosis (quick and dirty)
First choice protocol to stain most cell types with Propidium Iodide (PI) to measure DNA content
DNAse treatment of cells that tend to clump
Stain dead cells and then be able to fix them, as with the 7-AAD above.
Determine the cell cycle of GFP positive and/or negative cells. Unfortunately, GFP usually has a 48 half-life!
A quick way to stain suspension or adherent cells without storage
Use one of these protocols to stain cells for a nuclear antigen and DNA content
To stain surface antigens and measure DNA Content
This will help you prepare for sorting and estimate yields
To get the most out of your antibodies, titrate them.
Yeast Cell Cycle
These dyes work better than Propidium Iodide:
Other protocols
Links to other protocol pages