To see registration guidelines for the following shared resources facilities, go to the
registration form.
Biorepository and Tissue Technology
The Biorepository and Tissue Technology resource contains plasma, serum, RNA stabilized buffy coat, urine, viable tumor samples, and formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded tumor — all with associated clinical information.
The Biostatistics resource provides consultation and collaboration in study design and data collection. Statistical analysis and the provision of assistance to researchers in the preparation of manuscripts for peer-reviewed journals are key elements of assuring high-quality research.
Clinical Trials
The Clinical Trials Office (CTO) ensures proper Phase I and II study design, monitoring, and patient care follow-up in order to facilitate clinical cancer research at UC San Diego.
Detailed dietary and nutritional assessment, including quantitative measurements of biochemical indicators of diet and other biomarkers in blood and other biological samples, for investigators conducting studies that address nutritional or dietary factors in cancer prevention and treatment. Also provides counseling service for promoting dietary change to improve nutritional status and to modify health risk factors linked to cancer.
Flow Cytometry
Flow cytometers and cell-sorting machines are now regarded as standard, essential equipment to provide a powerful means for collecting data on cell populations of statistically reliable size and, utilizing magnetic technology, sorting living cells that are present as minor subpopulations.
Genomics and Computational Biology
Performs gene expression profiling in which the activity of many thousands of genes are measured simultaneously. Also provides complete biochemical, hybridization, and scanning services as well as consultation in experimental design and data mining.
In Vivo Imaging
The IVISR provides optical, CT, ultrasound, Hi Res planar gamma imaging, and PET of mice and rats, as well as high-resolution digital autoradiography and fluorescent imaging of thin whole body rodent sections. Support and expertise includes imaging physics, biological applications, animal support, image computation, optical hardware and software, diagnostic agent chemistry, preparation of F18 and C-11 labeled radiotracers, and kinetic modeling.
Provides high-resolution deconvolution microscopy, digital epi-fluorescence and brightfield microscopy, quantitative image analysis, cell microinjection and resulting biological analyses, and photo-production.
Radiation Medicine
An opportunity to pursue an interactive approach to the determination of intrinsic radiation sensitivity to ionizing radiation
in vitro, as well as mathematical modeling of survival parameters.
Transgenic Mouse
Transgenic and genetically deficient mice are widely used to study the process of malignant transformation, tumor suppressor genes, chemoprevention, carcinogensesis, and organ-specific cancers. This facility is highly proficient in the creation of both transgenic mice and knockout mouse strains.
More Shared Core Facilites at UCSD
View a list of current core shared facilities that are accessible to UCSD faculty, fellows, staff and students, provided by The Office of Research Affairs.