CT2 Program Lecture Series

All lectures are on Tuesdays from 12 to 1 p.m. in Comer Commons at Moores Cancer Center (directions and map). Lunch is available at 11:40 a.m. for those attending the lecture. 

Principles of Cancer Drug Therapeutics Development

This is a series of weekly lectures delivered by CT2 and UC San Diego faculty members focusing on the necessary sequential steps involved in drug development.

Topics in Cancer Drug Development

This is a series of lectures by industry leaders in cancer drug development. The goal is to expose trainees to experts with a substantial track record in the “real life” challenges of cancer drug development. The lecturers are typically CEOs, directors of research, or medical directors from companies in the San Diego biomedical community, although experts from large pharmaceutical companies have also participated. The outside speakers are invited to discuss challenges of developing a given target or novel therapeutic and give fellows an opportunity to hear the story of the development of specific therapeutic agents.

Upcoming Lectures

Date Speaker Affiliation Title​Location


(Speaker Postponed)



​Comer Commons


​Michael Bouvet, MD


​Development of Imaging Probes for Fluorescence Guided Surgery

​​Comer Commons


​Jing Yang, PhD


Epithelial-Mesenchymal Plasticity in Carcinoma Metastasis 

​​Comer Commons


Reuben Shaw, PhD


​LKB1/STK11 mutant lung cancer: from pathways to drug targets 

​Comer Commons


William Gerwick, PhD 


​Ocean Life as a Source of Novel Anticancer Drugs: Updates and New Developments 

Comer Commons​


​Nicole Steinmetz, PhD 


​NanoEngineering Gone Viral: Plant Virus-based Immunotherapies 

Comer Commons​


Aaron Miller, MD 


​Functional identification and therapeutic targeting of neoantigens in patients with solid tumors 

​Comer Commons


Gerald Joyce, MD, PhD 


Drug Discovery across the Street at GNF 

​Comer Commons


​Christian Metallo, PhD 


​Influence of Serine Availability on Tumor Lipid Metabolism  

​Comer Commons


Gen-Sheng Feng, PhD 


​Liver Cancer, from mechanism to early detection and new therapy 

Comer Commons​

Schedules for previous years