Stevan Springer

Stevan sSpringer

I study phenotypic effects of genetic changes to infer mechanisms of adaptive evolution in natural populations

Organismal behavior in molecular detail

I use experimental and computational tools to study molecular systems:
how their changes influence behavioral phenotypes and what their evolution can tell us about adaptation


​Distinguishing spandrels and phenotypic targets of molecular evolution
Springer SA, Manhart M, Morozov AV
Biodiversification from Genotype to Phenotype
2016 (in press)

17Des variations génétiques nouvelles préservent
l'esprit des personnes âgées
Springer SA, Gagneux P
Médicine et Science 2016 (in press)

16Maintenance of postreproductive cognitive capacity by inclusive fitness
Springer SA, Schwartz F, Altheide T, Varki NM, Varki A, Gagneux P (2016)
PNAS 2016 doi: 1073/pnas. 1601419113

15Human-specific derived alleles of CD33 and other genes protect against postreproductive cognitive decline
Schwarz F, Springer SA, Altheide T, Varki NM, Gagneux P, Varki A
PNAS 2016 113:74-79

14Glycomics: revealing the dynamic ecology and evolution of sugar molecules
Springer SA, Gagneux P
Journal of Protemics 2016 135:90-100


​Evolutionary analysis and classification of OATs, OCTs, OCTNs, and SLC22 transporters
Zhu C, Nigam KB, Date RC, Springer SA, Saier MH, Wu W, Nigam SK
PLoS One 2015 10(11): e0140569


​Parallel evolution of a self-signal: humans and new world monkeys independently lost the cell surface sugar Neu5Gc
Springer SA, Diaz SL, Gagneux P
Immunogenetics 2014 66:671-674


​Duplicate abalone egg coat proteins bind sperm lysine similarly, but evolve oppositely, consistent with molecular mimicry at fertilization
Asgaard JE, Springer SA, Soelberg SD, Swanson WJ
PLoS Genetics 2013 9(2): e1003287

10​​Glycan evolution in response to collaboration, conflict, and constraint
Springer SA, Gagneux P
JBC 2013 28:6904-6911


Sexual selection by female immunity against paternal antigens can fix loss of function alleles
Ghaderi D*, Springer SA*,MA F*, Cohen M, Secrest P, Taylor R, Varki A, Gagneux P
PNAS 2001 108:17443-17448
​08​Beyond the phenotypic gambit: molecular behavioral ecology and the evolution of genetic architecture
Springer SA, Crespi BJ, Swanson WJ
Molecular Ecology 2011 20:2240-2257


Coevolution of interacting fertilization proteins
Clark NL, Gasper J, Sekino M, Springer SA, Aquadro CF, Swanson WJ
PLoS Genetics 2009 5(7): e1000570


​Oyster sperm binding is a combinatorial fucose lectin with remarkable intra-species diversity
Springer SA, Moy GW, Friend DS, Swanson WJ, Vacquier VD
Int j Dev Biol 2008 52:759-768

05Extraordinary intraspecific polymorphism in oyster sperm binding
Moy GW*, Springer SA*, Adams SL, Swanson WJ, Vacquier VD
PNAS 2008 105:1993-1998


Adaptive gamete-recognition divergence in a hybridizing Mytilus population
Evolution 2007 61:722-783

03Environment-specific heterozygote deficiency and developmental instability in hybrid Mytilus
Mar Biol Res 2007 3:182-187


​Implications of the Copernican Principle for my Master thesis
Springer SA
Ann Improb Res 2004 10.4:20-21


​Social slime molds meet their match
Crespi B and Springer SA
Science 2003 299:56-57