| Pascal Gagneux – encuentro con un apasionado por la evolución cienciavagabunda
Anthropogeny: the study of the origin of humans, Exploring Darwin, November 2017, Palomar College Salk Institute, La Jolla, CA February 2016
How are Humans Different from Other Great Apes?.
American Academy or Arts and Sciences
Potential Mechanism for The Speciation of Genus Homo CARTA Symposium on Origins of Genus Homo Salk Institute, La Jolla, CA February 2016
| Glycans, Sperm, and Evolution with Pascal Gagneux Talkin' Immunology with Biolegends. San Diego, CA March 2016
| Assisted Reproductive Technologies - Risks From Bypassing the Evolutionary Norm of Cryptic Female Choice? International Society for Evolutionary Medicine and Public Health, Tempe, March 2015
| Exploring Darwin 2014: What Genetic Changes Made us Human? - Palomar College, San Marcos, CA |
| Anthropogeny: Where Did We Come From and How Did We
Get Here? University of California San Diego, February 2014 |
| CARTA, Great Ape Diversity, University of California San Diego. March 2010
| Kavli Frontiers of Science, 2009, National Academy of Sciences, Irvine
| Sackler Symposium, December 2008, National Academy of Sciences, Irvine