Anatomic Pathology
3 Autopsy Pathology
3 Cytopathology
0.5 (2 weeks) Dermatopathology
1 (4 weeks) Forensic Path (ME)
1 Neuropathology
1 Pediatric Path (CHMC)
12 Surgical Pathology (UH & VA)
Total AP 21.5
Weeks on Call:
PGY 1 (AP) 6-8
PGY 2-4 2-5
Surgical Pathology (University): UH Surgical Pathology rotations based out Jacobs Medical Center in La Jolla, CA; 1-week, sub-specialty assignments; 1-day sign-out schedule (previewing, grossing and sign-out blocks)
Surgical Pathology (VA): VA Surgical Pathology are rotations based out of San Diego Veterans’ Affairs Medical Center; general surgical pathology assignment; 2-day sign out schedule (grossing day, sign-out day)
Autopsy: Autopsy rotations are based out of Jacobs Medical Center, but includes coverage of rare autopsy need at the San Diego VA; includes coverage of the perinatal pathology service
Cytopathology: Cytopathology rotations are based out of Jacobs Medical Center; includes coverage of the FNA service, with the Cytopathology Fellow
Neuropathology: Neuropathology rotations are based out of Jacobs Medical Center with weekly brain cutting activities at the Medical Examiner’s Office
Dermatopathology: Dermatopathology rotation is a required 2 week experience at the San Diego VA; a 4-week rotation with UCSD’s Dermatopathologist (housed in Dermatology) is available as an elective rotation.
Pediatric Pathology: Pediatric Pathology rotation is a required 4 week experience at Rady Children’s Hospital, located a few miles southeast of Jacobs Medical Center; includes general pediatric pathology assignment