Your Support Can Make an Impact for Generations

At MOMI CORE, we are committed to protecting the most vulnerable among us and creating a healthier world for generations to come. The generous initial endowment provided by the Family Larsson-Rosenquist Foundation allowed us to establish MOMI CORE. Now, we must grow our base of funding to accelerate our research.

Your donation to MOMI CORE will support our mission in many ways:

  • Provide seed funding to jump-start bold research ideas
  • Attract top talent and train the next generation of innovators
  • Create an environment that encourages interdisciplinary collaboration
  • Grow the talented team running and managing the center
  • Scale our infrastructure to engage investigators from around the world

With your charitable gift, you will leave a lasting legacy on human health and development by supporting the first-ever center of excellence dedicated to human milk research.


Donor Testimonials 

"Each year, we come together as a family and discuss our donations. We will have three breastfed babies join our family this year and supporting MOMI CORE was the obvious choice, especially during the pandemic. We are so excited for your research and how it can help further science and education for breastfeeding women."   (McKnight Family Fund)


Donor Testimonials

"At the Family Larsson-Rosenquist Foundation, we strongly believe in MOMI CORE's potential for large return on investment, and more importantly, for real impact in society. MOMI CORE is one of our great success stories, and today, we are using the center as our template for structuring and financing other initiatives around the world." (Dr. Katharina Lichtner, Managing Director, Family Larsson-Rosenquist Foundation)

baby with closed eyes is breastfeeding

Connect with Us and Help Fuel Our Engine of Discovery

We are seeking donors committed to transforming the way we approach human health. Join us as we connect the leading minds in healthcare innovation in search of new answers.

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