The RMAS Department is comprised of 3 Divisions: Clinical Radiation Oncology (CRO), Clinical & Translational Research (CTR), and Medical Physics & Technology (MPT). Together with the Department Chair, the 3 Divisions Directors form the Chair & Division Director’s Committee, the Executive Governing Body of the Department. To increase the diversity and number of faculty involved in the governance of the Department, the RMAS Council was established in 2016 as an Advisory Board to the Chair. It is comprised of the Vice-Chairs, Assistant Vice-Chairs, Division Directors and two annually elected junior faculty. In total, there are 3 Vice-Chairs (Strategy & Business Development, Administration & Finance and Medical Physics & Technology) and 4 Assistant Vice-Chairs (Education, Clinical, VA Affairs and Diversity).
Clinical Radiation Oncology (CRO) Division The CRO Division includes all clinical Radiation Oncology physicians in the Department, at the main center and satellites. The current CRO Division Director is Parag Sanghvi MD.
Division leadership consists of the Division Director and Medical Directors of each treatment facilities (La Jolla, Encinitas, 4S Ranch, South Bay, and the Proton Center), Section Chiefs (CNS, Head/Neck/Skin, Lung, Breast, Hematologic, GI, GU, GYN, Pediatrics, and Sarcoma/Bone), Liaison Directors (Kaiser, VA, Rady Children’s Hospital, Proton Therapy Center and CCARE) and the Residency Program Director (Medical Residency).
The Medical Directors oversee clinical operations at each treatment center. The Liaison Directors are in charge of relationships with various groups/contracts. The Section Chiefs are the primary physician overseeing a particular disease site and define the Procedures/Guidelines of its treatment. The Residency Program Director and Associate Director oversee the Radiation Oncology (Medical) Residency. A Medical Student Education Director is in charge of medical student rotations and educational programs. A Global Health Section is currently under development.
Clinical & Translational Research (CTR) Division The CTR Division consists of all research Radiation Oncology physicians in the Department. Its leadership is comprised of the Division Director and 4 Associate Division Directors (Imaging Research, Outcomes Research, Clinical Trials, and Basic Science). The current CTR Division Director if Loren Mell MD.
Medical Physics & Technology Division The Division of Medical Physics and Technology (MPT) is comprised of all Medical Physicists (both clinical and research) in the Department. Division leadership consists of a Deputy Director (who also serves as Associate Director for Technology Research), and 5 Associate Directors (Quality, External Beam, Brachytherapy & Regulatory, Education & Training and Satellites). The current MPT Division Director is Todd Pawlicki PhD.
The Department has a number of Standing Committees including:
Department Committees
Chair & Division Directors
La Jolla Clin Ops/QA
South Bay Clin Ops/QA
Faculty Climate
Program Evaluation
Women's Academic
Proton Oversight
Regional Centers Oversight
RMAS Council
Encinitas Clin Ops/QA
Proton Clin Ops/QA
Grand Rounds
Clinical Competency
MD Compensation
Kaiser Oversight
Clinical Operations
4S Ranch Clin Ops/QA
Business Development
Curriculum Committee
New Regional Centers