Department of Radiation Oncology Founded with Recruitment of
Arno J. Mundt MD from the University of Chicago as Inaugural Chair
Division of Medical Physics Established with Recruitment of
Todd Pawlicki PhD from Stanford University.
Catheryn Yashar MD recruited from the University of Louisville to establish programs in GYN and Breast Brachytherapy
5 Total Faculty (AJ Mundt MD, Kevin Murphy MD, Ajay Sandhu MD, Cate Yashar MD and Todd Pawlicki PhD
Center for Advanced Radiotherapy Technologies (CART) established with recruitment of Steve Jiang PhD from Harvard University
La Jolla Administrative Suite and Conference Center Built
Department Installs 1st Varian Trilogy Machine in Western USA
UCSD Announces Intent to Develop a Proton Therapy Center
Department Breaks Ground on 1st Regional Treatment Center in
1st Frameless SRS Pediatric Case Performed
Significant clinical growth continues with 1000+ new consults seen
Loren Mell MD Recruited from the University of Chicago to launch Clinical & Translational Research Program
La Jolla Radiation Oncology Expansion Groundbreaking
Radiation Oncology Residency Established
(4 Total Residents)
1st Department R-01 Grant (Low Dose CBCT Imaging)
Significant clinical growth continues with 2000+ new consults seen
Department becomes RTOG Full Member
Radiation Oncology Residency Expands (8 Total Residents)
Department Becomes an Official School of Medicine Department and Changes Name to Radiation Medicine and Applied Science
1st Department Radiating Hope Mission to Senegal
John Einck MD performs 1st Cervical Brachytherapy Case in Senegal’s History
1st Xoft Skin Cancer Treatment in South Bay
Significant clinical growth continues with 3000+ new consults seen
Department Chair
A.J. Mundt MD elected President of the American College of Radiation Oncology
Department Hosts 1st Annual Radiation Therapists Symposium
1st Proton Therapy Patient Treated
Radiation Oncology Residency Expands to 12 Total Residents and Medical Physics Expands to 4 Total Residents
4S Ranch Regional Center Established
Laura Cervino PhD named Inaugural Assistant Vice-Chair for Diversity & Inclusion
Radiation Medicine & Applied Sciences Faculty Council Established
1st IORT Breast Cancer Patient Treated
Significant clinical growth continues with 5000+ new consults
Veronica Garcia named Vice-Chair Administration & Finance
Jim Murphy MD named the School of Medicine Academic Community Director
Eisenhower Medical Center Affiliation Established
Center for Translational Radiation Medicine & Imaging (CTRMI) changes its name to Center for Precision Radiation Medicine (CPRM)
Andrew Sharabi MD PhD is a Co-Investigator on a Moonshot U-01 studying immunotherapy in Head and Neck Cancer
Todd Pawlicki PhD joins Board of Directors of the American Society of Radiation Oncology (ASTRO)
RMAS Learning Center receives a USTDA Training Grant to work with the Uganda Cancer Center
Multiple RMAS Faculty & Staff climb Mt Kilimanjaro as part of the annual
Radiating Hope Fundraiser
10 Radiation Oncologists named Top Doctor by the San Diego Magazine
Andrew Bruggeman MD named House Office of the Year—1st RMAS Resident to receive this prestigious award.
1st Ventricular Tachycardia patient undergoes SBRT
CHEER Research Center Established
QUIVER Research Center Established
First RMAS Faculty receive COVID Vaccinations
State-of-the Art Ethos Machine Installed
Vice Chair and Assistant Vice Chair Positions Expanded
4000th Knowledge-Based Planning Patient Treated”