Community Resources

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Weight & Wellness Center

The Weight and Wellness Clinic is a multidisciplinary patient care team for the management of child and adolescent obesity. We screen patients for individual physical, nutritional, psychosocial needs and expectations and tailor a safe treatment for our patients and their families. We are dedicated to reducing the health burden of obesity in children, and our focus is on reasonable, achievable goals.


For more information on weight and wellness management for children 14 and under, you can contact: 858-966-4003

California Early Start 

Provides Early Intervention services such as speech/language therapy, behavior therapy, specialized academic instruction, psychological services, home visits, and service coordination to children under 3-years old with developmental delay. Monitoring services are available for those with high risk of developmental delay.

San Diego Regional Center 

Provides services such as medical evaluation, psychological evaluation, behavior intervention, and service coordination for people over 3 years of age with substantial disability from the developmental disabilities of autism, mental retardation, cerebral palsy, and epilepsy.

Children spend most of their waking hours in school, which means that school nurses and teachers are on the front lines in the battle to keep kids healthy. In order to help nurses and teachers combat misinformation about children's safety and health, the team at has created an online guide that includes:

  1. ​More than 15 pages of health and safety illustration in PDF form, which is free to download
  2. Treatment information for ailments from allergies to concussions
  3. Basic personal hygiene information
  4. Strategies for keeping children healthy​​​

First 5 San Diego Healthy Development Services 

Provides developmental screenings and assessments, developmental classes, parent education/support, behavioral services, vision/hearing screenings, and care coordination for children, from birth to 5-years old, in San Diego.

Rady Children's Hospital Developmental Services 
Administration: 858-966-7715 
Alexa's PLAYC: 858-966-8555 
Audiology: 858-966 5838 
Autism Intervention: 858-966-7453 
C3: 877-8C3-KIDS 
Developmental Evaluation Clinic: 858-966-5817 
Feeding Team: 858-576-1700, ext. 5522 
High Risk Infant: 858-966-8801 
KidSTART: (858) 966-5990
Occupational Therapy: 858-966-5829 
Physical Therapy: 858-966-5829 
Speech: 858-966 5838

Offers a variety of programs to identify, evaluate, and treat children with developmental delays and disabilities.​​​


​Healthy Weight Research Network​