The Division of Host-Microbe Systems & Therapeutics

Bringing together a diverse group of scientists and physicians for interdisciplinary research on the interactions of humans and the microbial world in both health and disease. Fundamental principles of microbiology, immunology, pharmacology, -OMICs (genomics, proteomics, metabolomics, and the human microbiome) and state-of-the-art systems biology are focused on the pathogenesis of common childhood infectious diseases and inflammatory disorders, to inspire innovative discovery programs and translational studies of new drugs and interventions to restore optimal health in childhood and throughout life.  

Division Chief

Victor Nizet, M.D.

Professor & Vice Chair for Basic Research in the Department of Pediatrics, Professor of Pharmacy & Pharmaceutical Sciences, and Chief of the Division of Host-Microbe Systems & Therapeutics. A physician-scientist with expertise in microbiology, immunology and experimental therapeutics, Dr. Nizet assists the 12 faculty members of the Division in achieving their innovative research and educational goals, positioning the Division at the vanguard of several cross-disciplinary research initiatives that interface UCSD Health Sciences, the broader campus, and research institutes and biopharma interests throughout the La Jolla Mesa.


Basic research Faculty

Victor Nizet, MD (Chief)  

Pieter Dorrestein, PhD

Anna Edlund, PhD

Jack Gilbert, PhD

Rob Knight, PhD

Nathan Lewis, PhD

Bernhard Palsson, PhD

Manuela Raffatellu, MD

Fabian Rivera-Chavez, PhD

Elizabeth Winzeler, PhD

Karsten Zengler, PhD

Clinical Research Faculty

Brookie Best, PharmD, MAS

Edmund Capparelli, PharmD

George Sakoulas, MD

Adriana Tremoulet, MD, MAS


NICHD Research Program in Developmental Pharmacology

UCSD Center for Microbiome Innovation

UCSD Collaborative to Halt Antibiotic-Resistant Microbes


The Division offers a T32 Fellowship Training Program for Pediatric Subspecialists in Clinical Pharmacology, supported by the NIH/NICHD.

Follow links of our individual faculty for diverse graduate research training opportunities for PhD, MD or PharmD students, postdoctoral scholars and clinical fellows.
