Experimental Therapeutics and Diagnostic Unit

Research Sites
RCHSD – can include some basic statistics
    If we include Jennifer Le in our website from our Division then this would be a good place to reiterate her affiliation Miller Children’s in Orange County

Areas of Research
Biomarker development in pediatrics
Novel therapies for inflammatory and infectious disorders and repurposing of drugs in pediatrics 
Kawasaki disease (link to the KD webpage)
Pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics in pediatrics
Info carried over from PTN site (pediatrictrials.org)

Sponsor a Study
This is the critical piece that connects us to industry. Any keywords we can include helpful. How about posing a question? Are interested in sponsoring a pediatric clinical trial

Active studies
KD Biomarker Development
Atorvastatin KD Trial
Aminopenicillins and Renal Development in Infants and Young Children
Diuretics and Organic Anion Transporters in Infants and young children

Adriana H. Tremoulet, MD, MAS 
Associate Professor Division of Pharmacology and Drug Discovery 
Associate Director, Kawasaki Disease Research Center 
Department of Pediatrics University of California San Diego 

Rady Children’s Hospital San Diego 
858-246-0012 (office) 
858-246-0019 (fax) 
9500 Gilman Drive, MC 0641 
La Jolla, CA 92093