Grant Support 


Victor Nizet, M.D.

NIH(Nizet, PI) NICHD/NIH Sialic Acid O-acetylation in GBS Pathogenesis and Immunity
NIH(co-investigator) NIH/NHLBP Genetic Modulation of Blood and Vascular Glycosylation
Industry(Nizet, PI) Amer Heart Assoc Response of the BBB to the Meningeal Pathogen GBS
IndustryAmerican Heart Association; Establ. Invest. Response of the BBB to the Meningeal Pathogen GBS
NIHNIH/NIAID (co-investigator) Hypoxia-Induced Responses and Innate Immunity
IndustryUS Israel BSF (co-investigator) GAS IL-8 Protease that Subverts Host Innate Immunity
C. elegans model of B. anthracis pathogenesis and immunity
NIHNIH/NIAID (co-investigator) Cathelicidins and Skin Immunity
NIHNIH/NICHD (co-investigator) Pediatric Pharmacology Research Unit Network
NIHNIH/NIAID Gas Switch from Colonizing Bacterium to Invasive Program
NIHDiscovery of Antibiotics from Deep Sea Actinomycete Bacteria
IndustrySandler Program Regulation of Innate Immute & Inflammatory Responses in Asthma

Brookie Best, Pharm.D.

NIHNIH/NICHD (co-investigator) Pediatric Pharmacology Research Unit
NIH/NIMH HIV Neurobehavioral Research Center-B: Neuromedical Core

Edmund Capparelli, Pharm.D.

NIHNIH/NICHD Pediatric Pharmacology Research Unit
NIHNIH/NIMH (Co-Investigator) HIV Neurobehavioral Research Center - B: Neuromedical Core
NIHNIH/NIMH (Co-PI) Prospective Memory in HIV-1 Infection
NIHNIH/NIMH (Co-Investigator) Childhood Absence Epilepsy: PK-PD-Pharmacogenetics
NIH/NINDS Childhood Absence Epilepsy: PK-PD-Pharmacogenetics

Adriana H. Tremoulet, Ph.D.

IndustryUCSD Peds/RCHSD Intramural Grant - Developmental Aspects of Renal Clearance in Infants
NIHNIH/NICHD Pharmacologic Determinants for Therapy in HIV-infected Children