For Current Residents

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Did you know that lists of available funding opportunities are regularly sent from the Dean's office?

If you are not on the mailing list, refer to the right-hand sidebar on the following page for subscribing information.

Did you know that a "PI-Exception" can allow you, under certain circumstances, to apply for awards for which you might otherwise not be eligible, such as NIH R21's?

Ask your mentor and division head if they think this is right for you and ask about the PI Exception process.

What is the best timing to apply for a K award?

In general, at least one cycle ahead of when you will need it, to allow time for revision. This question is best resolved in consultation with your mentor and division head, to ensure seamless funding support for you and your research.

Did you know that if your mentor is affiliated with the VA, you might be able to apply through VA Research and Development for a career development (CDA) at the level of Assistant Professor?

If you, your mentor, your division chief and your VA section think this is right for you, check out the CDA-2.

If I come up with something patentable, how do I protect my intellectual property?

This might turn out to be a complex question that is best addressed in collaboration with your mentor, but the UC San Diego Office of Technology Development can provide you with a starting point.

Is it better to work in a lab that is on-campus or off-campus?

Overall, work in the best possible lab that is related to your medical subspecialty. If you work off-campus, however, don't become "out of sight and out of mind," especially if you are interested in staying in your division as a junior faculty member.

What is the total length of the PST Pathway?

Please see the ABIM site for a detailed explanation. At a minimum, it requires 2 years of Internal Medicine Residency and a 3-year Research Experience combined with subspecialty training. Communicate clearly with your mentor and subspecialty training program director to ensure understanding of the requirements for certification in your subspecialty.