About Us

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The UC San Diego Health Sciences' Office of Compliance and Privacy is committed to furthering UC San Diego Health Sciences' mission to deliver outstanding patient care by ensuring compliance with Federal and State healthcare laws and regulations as well as UC San Diego Health Policies (UCSDHPs). The UC San Diego Health Sciences' Office of Compliance and Privacy follows the seven elements of an effective compliance program. The seven elements are:  


  1. Implementing written policies, procedures and standards of conduct. 
  2. Designating a compliance officer and compliance committee.  
  3. Conducting effective training and education.  
  4. Developing effective lines of communication. 
  5. Conducting internal monitoring and auditing.  
  6. Enforcing standards through well-publicized disciplinary guidelines. 
  7. Responding promptly to offenses and undertaking corrective actions. 

In accordance with the seven elements of an effective compliance program, the Office of Compliance and Privacy applies policies, procedures, and the code of conduct to help employees understand expectations and how to do the right thing. A designated compliance and privacy officer and compliance committee is in place to ensure success of the compliance program. 

Education and training is distributed and conducted on policies and rules. Reporting lines are established so individuals may report issues of non-compliance without fear of retaliation. Auditing and monitoring is conducted to continually improve the effectiveness of our compliance program. Disciplinary standards are documented and publicized. Reports of non-compliance are responded to promptly and corrective action is undertaken by the Office of Compliance and Privacy. 

UCOP Statement of Ethical Values

Members of the University of California community are committed to the highest ethical standards in furtherance of our mission of teaching, research and public service. We recognize that we hold the University in trust for the people of the State of California. Our policies, procedures, and standards provide guidance for application of the ethical values stated below in our daily life and work as members of this community. We are committed to: 


We will conduct ourselves with integrity in our dealings with and on behalf of the University. 


We will conscientiously strive for excellence in our work. 


We will be accountable as individuals and as members of this community for our ethical conduct and for compliance with applicable laws and University policies and directives. 


We will respect the rights and dignity of others. 

The entire University of California Office of the President (UCOP) statement of Ethical Values can be found on the UCOP website, here.  

UC San Diego Health Sciences Standards of Conduct

UCOP Standards of Ethical Standards and Ethical Conduct

What is the Purpose 

UCSDHS Office of Compliance and Privacy has been developed in the context of our core teaching, research, patient care, and public service missions. The specific purposes of the Program are to:

  • Maintain and enhance quality of care
  • Demonstrate sincere, on-going efforts to comply with all applicable laws
  • Maintain and enhance quality of care
  • Revise and clarify current policies and procedures in order to enhance compliance
  • Enhance communications with governmental entities with respect to compliance activities
  • Empower all responsible parties to prevent, detect, and resolve conduct that does not conform with applicable laws, regulations and the program; and
  • Establish mechanisms for employees to raise concerns about compliance issues and ensure that those concerns are appropriately addressed. 

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