Foreign Involvement

"There is a heightened concern that certain foreign entities may be seeking to influence U.S. research at all levels including peer review, diversion of intellectual property, sharing of confidential information and the use of resources originating outside the U.S... Therefore, we must comply with existing and new policies and regulations, including those related to full disclosure of foreign engagements, conflicts of interest, and conflicts of commitment." (Elizabeth H. Simmons, Executive Vice Chancellor, Academics Affairs and Sandra A. Brown, Vice Chancellor, Research, UC San Diego, 1/25/2019)
"Applicants for federal grants must list all foreign affiliations [in their] biosketch and "other support" prior to award and are required to identify any changes in each annual progress report. 
According to NIH policy foreign influence includes: 
  • Collaborations with investigators at a foreign site anticipated to result in co-authorship; 
  • Use of facilities or instrumentation at a foreign site; or 
  • Receipt of financial support or resources from a foreign entity."
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