
Once a proposal has been submitted to the NIH, the application is first sent to the Center for Scientific Review (CSR). This Center verifies the proposal for administrative accuracy and assigns the proposal to the Institute or Center and the Initial Review Group and Study Section. The Initial Review Group reviews the proposal for scientific merit. The Institute then reviews the proposal for relevance and moves it on to the Advisory Council. The Advisory Council then may make a recommendation for funding.

Principal Investigators may submit Post-Submission Materials anytime before the Initial Review Group meeting. Please see NIH's post-submission materials policy for information on what materials can be submitted. Please note, these materials must be submitted by an Authorized Organizational Representative, your HS SPPO analyst.

If an application receives a high enough score from the Initial Review Group, a Just-In-Time notice will be sent to the Principal Investigator. Please see the Just-In-Time instructions on how to prepare and submit these materials.

If the NIH decides to fund the proposal, they will send a Notice of Award to OCGA. The department will then work with OCGA to obtain any outstanding approvals and to set up the IFOPAL. Any post-award communication with the NIH will be handled by OCGA from this point on.

HS SPPO will continue to be the Signing Officials for progress reports submitted after a proposal is funded. Please see the Progress Reports page for guidance on when HS SPPO involvement is required.