News and Research


Obesity and the growing brain, The APA Monitor, features June Liang, Ph.D. and Kerri Boutelle, Ph.D.

UCSD to bring healthy food to needy project, features Kay Rhee, M.D. in the San Diego Union Tribune.

Warm Parenting Associated with Decreasing or Stable Child BMI during Treatment in Childhood Obesity, features Kay Rhee, M.D., and Kerri Boutelle, Ph.D.

"Lick the Plate: The Science of Being a Foodie" The Coast News Group, features Kerri Boutelle, PhD

"Food that grabs your attention: How we sense food texture,", features Kerri Boutelle, PhD

"Parents of obese kids aren’t always willing to admit their child has a health problem,"​ The Washington Post, features Kyung E. Rhee, PhD See also Reuters and The Atlantic

"Child obesity: Study suggests training kids to pay less attention to food might help them eat less," Medical Xpress, features Kerri Boutelle, PhD
See also ScienceDaily, and HealthCanal

The Center for Healthy Eating and Activity Research was featured in the Wall Street Journal! "Overweight Kids Learn Willpower with a Sniff and a Nibble"

"Conditioned reflex to food might cause people to overeat, NOT hunger.​"​ ZME Science, features Kerri Boutelle, PhD.

"Obese Children's Brains More Responsive to Sugar,​" ​UC San Diego Health Newsroom, features Kerri Boutelle, PhD.

"Why We Overeat."​ UC ​​San Diego Health Sciences Blog, features Kerri Boutelle, PhD

Is Self-Help the Secret to Reducing Childhood Obesity? - Time

UCSD out to curb binge eating - KUSI

Clinical Trial Aims to Curb Binge Eating - NBC San Diego

HEALTH: 30 recruits sought for study to reduce binge eating - North County Times

The UCSD FRESH study is looking for families to participate in a no-cost weight loss program!

Parent Only Education Helps Children Lose Weight - Time