Welcome to the Division of Genome Information Sciences in the UC San Diego School of Medicine’s Department of Pediatrics.

The main function of this division is to use genomic information as a basis for focusing on the predisposition for complex diseases and cancer starting in childhood but spanning the whole age spectrum.

The Division of Genome Information Sciences was established in the fall of 2009 and is led by Dr. Kelly Frazer in the UC San Diego School of Medicine's Department of Pediatrics. The faculty in the division work closely with physicians in the Department of Pediatrics and Rady Children's Hospital, and collaborates frequently with the university's Institute for Genomic Medicine.

Division Chief

Kelly A. Frazer, PhD

Dr. Frazer is an internationally renowned leader in the field of genome biology and medicine. She is the director of UC San Diego Institute for Genomic Medicine and founding chief of the Division of Genome Information Sciences in the Department of Pediatrics at UC San Diego.


​Ferhat Ay, PhD

​Vikas Bansal, PhD

​Debashis Sahoo, PhD