The PSTP currently consists of a mix of interns, residents and fellows of all different levels and subspecialities. The current subspecialty matrix crosses the areas of hematology-oncology, gastrointerology, endocrinology, rheumatology, infectious diseases and pulmonary critical care medicine.

In past years graduates of the PSTP have, by and large, pursued academic medical careers in a variety of areas, including the National Institutes of Health.

Current Residents, Fellows, & Alumni


  • Harrison Penrose, MD, PhD
    Dr. Harrison PenroseMD/PhD: Tulane University School of Medicine
    Email Address:
    Current Position: PGY 1 (Planned GI Fellowship)

  • Eric Roth, MD, PhD
    Dr. Eric RothMD/PhD: State University of New York, Stony Brook
    Email Address:
    Current Position:  PGY 1 (Planned H/O Fellowship) 

  • Amara Seng, MD, PhD
    Dr. Amara SengMD/PhD: University of Kansas
    Email Address:
    Current Position: PGY 1 (Planned RAI Fellowship)


  • Morgan Birabaharan, MD
    Dr. Morgan BirabaharanMD: Hofstra North Shore
    Email Address:
    Current Position: PGY 2 (Planned ID Fellowship)

  • Brian Ji, MD, PhD
    Dr. Brian JiMD/PhD: Columbia University School of Medicine
    Email Address:
    Current Position: PGY 2 (Planned H/O Fellowship)


  • Michael Doud, MD, PhD
    Dr. Michael DoudMD/PhD U Washington
    Email Address:
    Current Position: Fellow, Infectious Diseases


  • Sharon Choi, MD, PhD
    Dr. Sharon ChoiMD/PhD: University of Illinois
    Email Address:
    Current Position: Fellow, Hematology/Oncology

  • Cynthia Hsu, MD, PhD
    Dr. Cythia HsuMD/PhD: UC San Diego
    Email Address:
    Current Position: Fellow, Gastroenterology

  • Paul Hsu, MD, PhD
    Dr. Paul HsuMD/PhD: Pennsylvania State University School of Medicine
    Email Address:
    Current Position: Fellow, Rheumatology/Allergy-Immunology


  • Sydney Ramirez, MD, PhD
    Dr. Sydney RamirezMM/PhD: University of Texas, Galveston
    Email Address:
    Current Position: Fellow, Infectious DIseases

  • Shiruyeh Schokrpur, MD, PhD
    Dr. Shioru SchokrpurMD/PhD: UCLA Geffen School of Medicine
    Email Address:
    Current Position: Fellow, Hematology/Oncology


  • Benjamin Goldenson, MD, PhD
    Dr. Ben GoldensonMD/PhD: Northwestern University
    Current Position: Fellow, Hematology/Oncology

  • Kentson Lam, MD, PhD
  • NAME

    MD/PhD: UC San Diego
    Current Position: Fellow, Hematology-Oncology


  • Calvin Hang, MD, PhD
  • NAME

    MD/PhD: UC San Diego
    Fellowship: Cardiology
    Current Position: Faculty, UC San Diego

  • Thomas Martin, MD, MS
  • NAME

    MD: University of Oxford
    Fellow:: Infectious Diseases
    Assistant Professor: UC San Diego

  • Thomas Prohaska, MD
  • NAME

    MD: Medical University of Vienna
    Fellowship: Cardiology
    Current Position: Cardiology Fellow & Biomedical Sciences PhD Program

  • Stephen Rawlings, MD, PhD
  • NAME

    MD/PhD: New York University School of Medicine
    Fellowship: Infectious Diseases
    Current Position: Faculty, UC San Diego


  • Sarah Burgdorf, MD, PhD
  • NAME

    MD/PhD: UC San Diego
    Fellowship: Infectious Diseases
    Current Position: Assistant Professor, University of Pittsburgh

  • Michael Lam, MD, PhD
  • NAME

    MD/PhD: UC San Diego 
    Fellowship: Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine
    Current Position: Assistant Professor, UC San Diego

  • Darius Schneider, MD, PhD (Endocrinology; Transferred to UW in 2019)

  • Matthew Tsai, MD, PhD 
  • NAME

    MD/PhD: University of Miami
    Fellowship: Gastroenterology
    Current Position: Assistant Professor, UC San Diego


  • Sudeb Dalai, MD, PhD (Infectious Diseases; Transferred to Stanford)
  • Adam Greenbaum, MD, PhD (Hematology-Oncology; Transferred to UW)


  • Calvin Yeang, MD, PhD
    MD/PhD: State University of New York Downstate Medical Center College of Medicine
    Email Address:
    Fellowship: Cardiology
    Current Position: Assistant Professor, UC San Diego

  • Kay Yeung, MD, PhD
  • Kay Yeung

    MD/PhD: New York University School of Medicine
    Email Address:
    Fellowship: Hematology/Oncology
    Current Position: Faculty, UC San Diego 


  • Edwin Yau, MD, PhD
  • Edwin Yau

    MD/PhD: State University of New York, Buffalo
    Fellowship: Hematology/Oncology
    Current Position: Faculty, Roswell Park Comprehensive Cancer Center, Buffalo, NY

  • Adam Burgoyne, MD, PhD
  • Adam Burgoyne

    MD/PhD: Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine
    Email Address:
    Fellowship: Hematology/Oncology
    Current Position: Assistant Professor, UC San Diego


  • Jennifer Dan, MD, PhD
  • Jennifer Dan

    MD/PhD: Boston University
    Email Address:
    Fellowship: Infectious Diseases
    Current Position: Assistant Professor, UC San Diego

  • Aaron Miller, MD, PhD 
  • MD/PhD: Northwestern University Feinburg School of Medicine
    Email Address:
    Fellowship: Hematology/Oncology
    Current Position: Assistant Professor, UC San Diego


  • Lawrence Ang, MD  
  • Lawrence Ang

    MD: UC San Diego
    Email Address:
    Fellowship: Cardiology
    Current Position: Assistant Professor, UC San Diego

  • Aaron Carlin, MD, PhD
  • Aaron Carlin

    MD/PhD: UC San Diego
    Email Address:
    Fellowship: Infectious Diseases
    Current Position: Assistant Professor, UC San Diego

  • Christopher Larson, MD, PhD
  • Christopher Larson

    MD/PhD: University of Texas, Southwestern Medical School
    Fellowship: Hematology/Oncology
    Current Position: EpicentRx, La Jolla, CA (& Adjunct Faculty, UC San Diego)


  • Brigid Boland, MD
    MD: UCSF School of Medicine
    Email Address:
    Fellowship: Gastroenterology
    Current Position: Faculty, UC San Diego

  • Mary Lewinski, MD, PhD 
  • Mary Lewinski

    MD/PhD: UC San Diego
    Email Address:
    Fellowship: Infectious Diseases
    Current Position: Associate Professor, UC San Diego

  •  Anna Narezkina, MD, PhD
  • Anna Narezkina

    MD/PhD: Smolensk Sate Medical Academy, Russia
    Email Address:
    Fellowship: Cardiology
    Current Position: Associate Professor, UC San Diego

  • John Paul Shen, MD
  • JP Shen

    MD/PhD: Washington University, St. Louis
    Fellowship: Hematology/Oncology
    Current Position: Faculty, University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center

  • Amir Zarrinpar, MD, PhD 
  • Amin Zarrinpar, MD, PhDMD/PhD: UC San Diego
    Email Address:
    Fellowship: Gastroenterology
    Current Position: Associate Professor, UC San Diego