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We receive approximately 200 applications per year.
We interview approximately 35-40 people each year.
All applications must be received and completed in ERAS by September 28th (except supplemental information).
No. A PhD is helpful but not required. Students who have a strong interest in pursuing a research career in academic medicine with an already well-established research background and interest are encouraged to apply.
Once you have been invited to an interview, we will need your supplemental information as soon as possible, but you may also send it prior to the invitation if you wish.
Department of Medicine will support your salary to the standard PGY-1, -2 and -3 levels during residency training. During PGY-4 through PGY-6, most salaries are supported by clinical funds and training grants in the
subspecialty division. In addition, PSTP trainees can apply for a special, institutional Career Development Award during the last year of their fellowship to facilitate transition to a faculty position while applying for extramural funds.
During the three years of residency training, residents are allowed up to 3 days off to give an oral or poster presentation at a national scientific meeting. Residents must notify the program at least 60 days in advance about their presentation to assure coverage of their clinical duties. Additional days off from clinical duties from rotations not requiring coverage may be granted at the discretion of the program.
All invitations are extended via e-mail after October 1.
Very. UC San Diego is a very desirable place to train on many levels. The rich research environment that extends across the La Jolla Mesa (with the Salk, Sanford Burnham, Scripps and other Institutes) offers many highly sought-after opportunities for research, therefore providing a competitive market for the applicant.
Due to COVID19, interviews in 2022 will be online/by Zoom only.
Yes. We want you to have the best research training possible and believe that can happen in a wide variety of places currently within San Diego. If you are accepted into a laboratory that is not at UC San Diego but at another affiliated institution that has funding and appropriate mentoring available, we will support you in that endeavor.
Yes. The committees meet and rank separately, however, PSTP applicants are reviewed by both committees.
Yes. There is a separate box to check under the UC San Diego application through the
ERAS website. All invited applicants will meet with the
Program Director or Associate Director of the PSTP as well as research faculty defined by your choice and particular area of interest. In addition, every effort will be made for you to meet with the fellowship director for the
subspecialty fellowship of your interest.
Yes. You must meet all the requirements of an international applicant listed under
How to Apply. We will support only J-1 visas.
Yes. During the designated two-day PSTP interview, the categorical interview takes place on a Thursday. The current PSTP residents and fellows would normally host a dinner on that Thursday evening, to create opportunities to meet and mingle. Instead, during the times of COVID19, we are reserving a two-hour block during which you can request to meet with one or several PSTP residents and fellows on Zoom.