Tissue Technology Shared Resource (Formerly known as Histology and Immunohistochemistry Core)


Phone: 858-822-1011
E-mail: histologycore@ucsd.edu
Location: Moores Cancer Center
3855 Health Sciences Drive, Room 5345-Bay 5MM (fifth-floor lab)
Mail Code: MC 0815

Laboratory Manager

Kim McIntyre-HT
E-mail: kkmcintyre@ucsd.edu

Assistant Director

M. Valeria Estrada, MD
Moores Cancer Center
3855 Health Sciences Drive
MC0815 Room 5310
La Jolla, CA 92093
Office Phone: (858) 534-8607
E-mail: mvestrada@ucsd.edu


  • Service profile 

    • Histology processing (formalin fixed and frozen tissue)
    • Routine H&E and specialized staining 
    • Antibody optimization and validation 
    • Immunohistochemistry/Immunofluorescence: single and multiplexing detection assays 
    • FISH/ISH 
    • Digital imaging and image storage: AT2 Aperio Scan Scope 
    • Laser Capture Microdissection (LCM) 
    • Customized Tissue Micro Array (TMA) 
    • Pathology consultation


    Our mission is to provide complete solution for high quality histopathology services from human and experimental animal tissues to MCC, UCSD and outside researchers with up-to-date technology and histological approaches for biomarker discovery and validation.

    Important information