Patient Care


Patient care is based at Rady Children’s Hospital San Diego, a nonprofit, 524-bed pediatric-care facility that provides state-of the art tertiary as well as quaternary care. The medical center has over 18,000 admissions per year and provides pediatric medical care to San Diego, Riverside, Imperial and Orange Counties. There are more 28 locations including clinics and satellite hospital locations. Proximity to the southern US border and a diverse patient population affords trainees ample opportunity to encounter infections not often seen at other centers.




Inpatient services:

  • General inpatient service:
    • Pediatric intensive care unit/trauma  
    • Cardiac intensive care
    • General and subspecialty medical patients including Cystic Fibrosis
    • General and subspecialty surgical patients
  • Immunocompromised patient service:
    • Hematology Oncology including bone marrow transplant 
    • NICU
    • Cardiac transplant
    • Renal transplant
  • Other facilities:
    • Kaiser Permanente Hospital
    • Sharp Mary Birch NICU
    • Jacobs UCSD NICU

Outpatient services  

  • General ID clinic
    • Outpatient parenteral antibiotic therapy
    • Patients referred from general pediatric and subspecialty services with broad range of infectious diseases.
  • Kawasaki Disease clinic
    • The Clinic follows the health status of more than 1,200 children with the disease in San Diego. At Rady Children’s, 80 to 90 new patients with Kawasaki disease are treated each year. 
  • HIV clinic
    • The clinic provides comprehensive care of mothers, children and adolescents with HIV.

Infection Prevention

Fellows are educated on and encouraged to participate in a variety of Infection prevention activities including: Surveillance of nosocomial infections, Appropriate isolation precautions, Outbreak investigations, Emerging Infections, Hand hygiene campaign

Antimicrobial Stewardship         

Fellow participation in antimicrobial stewardship, Antibiotic restrictions, Introduction of new antibioticsm, Optimizing use of antimicrobials, Judicious use of antibiotics

Rady inpatient and outpatient services

Robin Morrison
Business Unit Coordinator, Administrative lead

Maribel Gilbert
Clinical scheduler|E:

Carlos Preciado
Clinic nurse |E:

Division of Pediatric Infectious Diseases
Rady Children's Hospital of San Diego
3020 Children's Way, MC 5041
San Diego, CA 92123
T. 858.966.7785 | F. 858. 966.8658