Patient Care

The Pediatric Hospital Medicine (PHM) Service accounts for all general pediatric admissions and approximately 30% of admissions to the Rady Healthcare system. We care for patients with common or complex problems, children with no past medical concerns and those with multiple chronic co-morbid medical and surgical conditions. Our hospitalists provide inpatient care and consultation services at the Rady main campus site as well as at our satellite community ward at Sharp Grossmont. We also provide medical consultation for the inpatient psychiatry unit (CAPS), and serve as the pediatric care providers for the Juvenile Hall system in San Diego and Imperial counties. 

Our clinical services also include sedation consultation and coordination of non-neonatal critical care emergency transport. Additionally, we provide acute and ongoing care for patients in the skilled nursing and subacute level facilities at the Helen Bernardy Center (HBC) located on the RCHSD campus. We are also the sole providers of inpatient palliative care medicine.

Visit the Pediatric Hospital Medicine Program at Rady Children's Hospital